After looking back at the this old childhood video, One may be able to use this in their classroom to help children learn the 50 states. A teacher could also learn a lot about their students, such as what type of learner they are. The students could be a visual learner, and others could be written learning or hands on learning.
I have learned in class that we can use resources like this in our classroom to enhance the students will to learn. This give them the chance to look at something they haven't seen before and take alot from it. I will use this in my classroom because I think it will break the ice for students being nervous about the teacher. Using youtube and video programs, will show the students that something they can look at online for a everyday bases can be used in teaching. This may actually show them that the teacher is a human being, he is just like them is many ways. This brings back joy to me because you can show something to others that helped you learn in the past. Many teachers need to do more things like this to create a better learning environment for themselves and the students